Bird Counts and Surveys — Northern Virginia Bird Alliance

Why Count Birds

It’s a way for us to monitor environmental trends in our local area, identify potential problems and share data with other organizations.

Birds are the "canary in the coal mine" for our environment.  Their health, abundance and distribution can signal trends in the health of the larger environment.  NVBA has a long history of documenting bird life in our community and promoting conservation of birds and wildlife.

Without habitat, we would have no birds.  Eleven percent (11%) or 1,111 of the world's species of birds are at risk.  200 could disappear within 20 years.  The primary threat to birds is habitat loss.  Since 1967, there's been a 70% decline in common backyard birds because of habitat fragmentation or development.

Resource managers of parks and other public lands rely on bird count long-term and geographically fixed data in their land management decisions.  ASNV sends the count results to organizations—like the Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, and the National Park Service—who use the information to better manage their natural resources.

Your counting counts!  Even if you’ve never participated in a count or survey before, you’ll be matched with more experienced volunteers who can teach you the “tricks of the trade” and help you build new skills that will add to your bird-watching enjoyment.  Plus your efforts will make a difference in helping to protect our local habitats.

Annual NVBA Counts and Surveys

Other Surveys