Photo: Tina Dudley
When: Wednesday, March 13, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Where: Virtual!
Member ticket: $10
Non-member ticket: $20
Need a new hobby? Try 'birding'! Bird watching is a great way to get outside and be more connected to the nature all around us.
Join us for an introduction to birding and learn the basics to get you started: Simple bird anatomy, tips for identifying unfamiliar birds, how birds benefit the environment, and how birdwatchers can help birds. Learn about the best places to bird, useful and affordable gear, cool apps, ways you can find others to bird with or find places to bird alone, and what birds you can expect to see during prime migration season.
Only one ticket is needed per viewing device - you are welcome to tune in with your family or housemates. Help us grow the birding community by buying a two-for-one deal - two tickets for the price of one! Send your extra ticket to a friend who might enjoy this program. Join ASNV to save on this and future programs!
Tom Blackburn is a member of the Board of Directors for Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, a Fairfax Master Naturalist and a member of the Board of the Friends of Mason Neck State Park.
Tina Dudley is the Program Manager for Audubon Society of Northern Virginia.
Comic by Rosemary Mosco,