Photo: Northern Screech Owl, Randy Streufert
ASNV will have its first in-person Audubon Afternoon in more than two years on June 5.
Northern Screech Owl, Randy Streufert
Four live owls will be the stars of the show. We’ll gather informally starting at 2:30PM in the cafeteria of the National Wildlife Federation Building, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive, in Reston. At 3:00PM we’ll have a brief Annual Meeting where we will elect officers and directors. Our main program will begin at 3:15PM, when Secret Garden Birds and Bees will present “A Year in the Life of an Owl,” featuring four live owls for you to see and photograph: a Barn Owl, a Screech Owl, a Great Horned Owl, and a Barred Owl. This is an event the whole family will enjoy!
We welcome any food and drink you would like to share with everyone during the informal portion of the program.
Learn more about our Annual Meeting here.