Photo: Hog Island sunrise, Gretchen Linton
Bill Burton, Lisa Mackem
Chrissy Brownson, science resource teacher at Providence Elementary
Every year, ASNV awards a scholarship to “Sharing Nature: An Educator’s Week” at Hog Island Audubon coastal Maine. The scholarship is awarded to a classroom teacher, specialist, or school administrator and covers tuition, room, board, and transportation. Hog Island has offered environmental education programs for adults, teens, families, and conservation leaders since 1936. The camp takes a multidisciplinary approach in helping instructors develop effective techniques for teaching children and adults about nature.
Candice Centinkaya, Fairfax County Public Schools at-large science resource teacher
This year, ASNV selected two scholarship winners: Chrissy Brownson, science resource teacher at Providence Elementary and Candice Centinkaya, a Fairfax County Public Schools at-large science resource teacher. Each winner is expected to use her Hog Island experience to develop a new conservation-themed educational program or enhance an existing one. The teachers will share their summer experiences in the September newsletter and submit final reports to ASNV next year. We look forward to hearing from them!