Photo: Lukasz Szmigiel
We are pleased to announce the winner of our September 20th Monday Nature Mystery, Dave Boltz!
Congratulations Dave for correctly identifying the call of the Blackpoll Warbler. Their vocalization is often referred to as ‘nature’s hearing test.’ It is very high-pitched and often difficult to detect. According to a recent article in The New York Times, their breeding range has shifted 400 miles in the past 45 years. To learn more about Blackpoll Warblers, visit our good friends at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Last Week's audio mystery: Blackpoll Warbler (Setophaga striata), click here to listen. Photo: Lukasz Szmigiel
Each Monday we’ll post a new mystery and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag.
Here is this week’s mystery. Do you know what this is?
Photo: Will Stuart
Be sure to post your guess on our Facebook page. Good Luck!
Please note that all entries are date and time-stamped. We review each correct answer to see who commented first. If someone 'likes' your comment, it would move it up on the list, making it look like the first post. Winners are limited to one prize every 90 days.