Photo: Southern Red Oak tree (Quercus falcata). Photo: Wikimedia user Katja Schulz via CC BY 2.0
We are pleased to announce the winner of last week’s Monday Nature Mystery, Anne Brosnan!
Congratulations to Anne for identifying this Southern Red Oak tree (Quercus falcata).
Southern Red Oak tree (Quercus falcata). Photo: Wikimedia user Katja Schulz via CC BY 2.0
This is one of 27 species of oak trees native to Virginia. According to, this tree is a larval host to the Banded Hairstreak and the White M Hairstreak butterflies. The Southern Red Oak is a medium-sized, straight-trunked oak which, in time, develops long, spreading branches, giving the top an even, well-formed appearance. Its smooth gray bark becomes dark and furrowed, eventually becoming black. Thin, papery, lobed, bristle-tipped deciduous leaves turn reddish-brown in fall. Click here to watch a video from the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science on how to identify a Southern Red Oak tree.
Each Monday we’ll post a new mystery and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag.
Here is this week’s mystery:
Who is this?
Be sure to post your guess on our Facebook page under the latest Monday Nature Mystery post. Good Luck!
Please check our guidelines here.
Monday Nature Mystery: Who is this? Photo: Judy Gallagher