Photo: Michael Krahn via Unsplash
We are pleased to announce the winner of our Monday Nature Mystery, Karen Kean Nordai!
Congratulations to Karen for correctly identifying the vocalization of a Sora (Porzana carolina). These birds can be difficult to see as they typically take advantage of densely vegetated wetlands to skulk. Birders from Northern Virginia have taken advantage of a visiting Sora at Huntley Meadows Park.
Listen to the Sora here.
Photo: Sora, Roberta Blair Lakeland/GBBC
Each Monday we’ll post a new mystery and identify the previous week’s winner. They’ll receive an ASNV hat or tote bag. Here is this week’s mystery:
Photo: Gary Minish/Audubon Photography Awards
Do you know what duck this is? Post your guess on our Facebook page under the Monday Nature Mystery post. List both Common Name and Latin name and be mindful of capitalization.Good luck!
Please note that all entries are date and time-stamped. We review each correct answer to see who commented first. If someone 'likes' your comment, it would move it up on the list, making it look like the first post. Winners are limited to one prize every 90 days.