The Tundra Swans are back in town! Between 200 and 400 of these magnificent birds are spending the winter in the Great Marsh of Belmont Bay and will leave in mid-March for their breeding grounds in the tundra of far northern Canada near the Arctic Ocean.
Helping the Lovely Wood Thrush
Recovering Our Night Sky for People and Wildlife
Welcome Back Yellow Warblers
Welcome Spring Migration!
Migrants at Upton Hill Regional Park
What few people know is that there is a lot of natural habitat at Upton Hill, and that habitat attracts a lot of migratory birds. In that sense, Upton Hill is a microcosm of northern Virginia – we have lots of people and lots of development, but we also have lots of birds, especially in spring and fall.
Spend Some Time with the Bird Migration Explorer—You Won’t Be Sorry
Turn Your Lights Out to Protect Fall Migrants
Help Our Migrating Birds Navigate Safely through Northern Virginia
Greg Butcher’s Tricks for a Successful Birdathon
“Turn Right and proceed for 2,000km” Biological Compasses during Migration
Birdathon 2021: When is Peak Landbird Migration in NoVA and DC?
Yellow Eyes in Moonless Skies: Researching the population status of the enigmatic Northern Saw-whet Owl
There’s something truly delightful about autumn nights. The crispness of the air, the sound of the trees rustling in the wind, and catching a glimpse of fluttering owls from deep within the woods. Northern Saw-whet Owl migration kicks off in late October which means another season of observing these elusive raptors!
Peak Hummingbird Migration Season
Birds of the Month: Albert and Wisdom
Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s most quoted (and misquoted) poem, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” tells the story of a sailor who shoots a friendly albatross, cursing himself and his crew. As punishment, he is forced to wear the bird around its neck, making the albatross a symbol of his burden and regret. Good omens in life and bad omens in death, albatrosses have become symbols of both good and bad luck. Fittingly, while some real albatrosses have been fortunate, others have had tough luck.