Josefina Doumbia — Northern Virginia Bird Alliance

Josefina Doumbia

Josefina (Jo) Doumbia is a Colombian national with a degree in Chemical Engineering and Masters and Doctorate degrees in Environmental Engineering. She retired recently from a 25-year career with the World Bank where she focused on environmental, sustainability and climate change issues. She has worked in 30 countries, both developed and developing, with experience in impact assessments, environmental management systems, environmental audits, and environmental and social guidance documents. Over the course of her career, she has acted to transform environmental disciplines, moving from a strictly regulatory focus on impacts and mitigation of impacts, with “end-of the pipe solutions,” to a more holistic approach: optimizing the use of raw materials, natural resources, and energy, and reducing waste. Such an approach demands that industry functions sustainably to prevent and mitigate negative effects, preserve natural resources and sensitive habitats, implement climate change reduction measures, and protect the health and welfare of affected communities and the industry’s employees.

Since retirement, Jo has volunteered with several local environmental and social organizations, putting her global expertise to use in addressing the challenges of climate change. She is passionate about working to bring to the table the often-disenfranchised communities lacking information on climate change because they do not speak English. She is a certified VA Master Naturalist and a Wildlife Sanctuary Ambassador. She lives with her husband and two sons in Annandale where she cherishes the native plant sanctuary she has created in her back yard.

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