Louise Edsall — Northern Virginia Bird Alliance

Louise Edsall


Louise, a long time resident of Northern Virginia, has been an avid nature lover since childhood. Excursions with her father to Blackwater NWR and other local birding hot spots encouraged her budding passion for birds as did backyard bird feeding. Earning a zoology degree from the University of Tennessee, she furthered her birding love there with a course in ornithology and enjoyed early morning course birding excursions with the great Dr. James T. Tanner.

Her travels have given her much opportunity to enjoy a variety of birding excursions in Australia and Europe as well as in the USA. She enjoys all aspects of nature to include birds and more recently honey bees and native bees. She is an avid beekeeper and teaches children about bees through her company “Bees in Schools, LLC” where she proudly boasts educating over 12,000 children in Northern Virginia classrooms on the benefits of bees and other pollinators.

Louise is a Master Gardener, MAPS bird bander, loves gardening, watercolor painting and photography. When not in the out of doors, Louise can be found playing her Irish whistle and flute with her three sons in Irish sessions at local Irish pubs.

Get in touch with Louise using the form below.